In today's payroll service, the know-how and expertise is the actual product. To ensure that this expertise is incorporated into the software, informal requirements documents are written and the project with technicians can start.
Business experts are expected to be able to specify exactly how "their" domain works and then validate the correctness of their specification. Because only they can really determine what is correct behaviour in their domain.

Why not just do the programming yourself...?
Sure, programming is not the most attractive thing for professionals, otherwise they would have become programmers. But digital data processing has been the absolute business keystone for quite some time. But the people who have the payroll expertise can't really "speak" in computer logic.
This is very inefficient and frustrating for both the payroll professionals and the software developers. Ultimately, it harms competitiveness and blocks the company's innovation.
How does Ason solve this?
Business before technology: Payroll providers are able to develop processes autonomously and automate them in a customer-oriented way without losing sight of the big picture.
Benefit before beauty: A generic input mask for all cases is not beautiful, but it is unbeatably efficient. The end user needs no training (as there is only one mask), the business case designer (payroll specialist) can concentrate on the logic. Platform operators only need to build one feature for all payroll change notifications.
Sustainability instead of "tinkering": Automated tests for any logic always let the specialists sleep well. The time invested in testing is quickly recovered several times over.
Multiple use instead of individual use: Any payroll logic can be shared, i.e. the range of covered business cases / industries / countries is growing rapidly due to multiple use. In addition, the ecosystem can also be used to integrate labour law and tax optimisation variants into the system, which was previously only possible in dreams.
But even with this solution designed for the payroll experts, it is still necessary for everyone to understand the basic concepts (such as values, functions, variables or the idea of automated testing) in order to communicate with computers.
Every payroll expert needs to understand these (thought) basics like a programmer. But no one expects them to develop their own generic and composable abstractions - which is what professional programming is all about.
With Ason, specialists can transfer their know-how directly into the software or code. Ason now definitely puts payroll specialists in the driver's seat, making the business (specialisation) even more interesting and satisfying.