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Momentum Ason Payroll API - 10 Added Values

Professional payroll software has so far been developed from a technical point of view. Only a maximum of 80% of business cases can be automated, despite endless features, manuals and training courses. People business wherever you look...

The following 10 points show what Ason is changing.

1. Mastering Complexity thanks to the Separation of Software and Payroll Logic

  • Specific solutions are provided ready-made (e.g. Swissdec) - No in-house configurations in the case of changes - No conversion of long manuals in case of changes

  • The engine recognizes the hierarchies and validity of the loaded regulations

  • In the case of updates, the effort is reduced to importing the latest versions

Scalable payroll service: "Knowledge and logic" (regulations) is decoupled from the "software" (engine). The coffee capsule engine provides a symbolic illustration.

Ason Payroll Engine
Payroll Engine
Ason Payroll Regulations; hierarchical layer model
Payroll Regulations in an hierarchical layer model

2. Expandable up to the very last Company Rule

Specifications and rules are transformed once into regulatory code from from written documents (laws, ordinances, regulations, rules, etc.) and from the heads of specialists.

It is also possible to transform labor law or insurance specifications in code; for example automatic calculation of "protection against dismissal/blocking periods" or continued salary payments.​

3. End User does not have to understand anything about Payroll or Technology

Only announce "what has happened" (event such as an accident, increase in salary, resignation etc.). The system recognizes and checks all situational dependencies. The expertise, including the calculation path, is displayed in real time per case - the right information in the right place.

  • Data errors are caught directly during data entry

  • Checklists and salary checks become superfluous, as the complexity is integrated into the regulations with all its logic

  • Payroll runs as well as cross-period retroactive calculations and cancellations can be carried out as required - taking into account the current data

  • Forecast scenarios, such as the effects of new insurance rates for the upcoming year, can also be calculated for an entire company with a single click

  • Separate to-do lists become superfluous: If manual interventions are necessary, a task is automatically created (e.g. expiry of a certificate of incapacity for work)

  • Substitutions among payrollers are spontaneously possible

4. 100% API First Product: Integration into External Platforms

All the "magic" happens through the regulations in the engine. A platform can integrate Ason without thinking about a single payroll regulation.

5. All Input via one single Mask

Ason is generically structured in the background. In addition, since all input options (events) are developed in a test-driven manner, the UI testing of countless features is completely eliminated. > Clip

Ason Payroll Intelligence; Payroll in one single feature, one single mask
Payroll in one single feature

6. Obtaining tested Regulations

Each regulation is created test-driven. This applies to the inputs (events), calculations (payrun) and reports. The tests are supplied with the regulations, which leads to maximum security as well as absolute transparency.

7. Also globally expandable

With Ason, global company structures can be mapped. Regulations can be shared.

The data is centralized in one system. As an added value, the fragmented approach and the resulting consolidation are eliminated.

8. Rapid Realisation with the Regulation Factory

Regulations require very few objects, what simplifies and even industrialises the production of regulations. Ason already produces individual industry regulations or prototypes of simple country regulations within 1-2 weeks.

9. In-house or public Hosting

As an alternative to public hosting, the engine can also be hosted in-house, wherever it makes sense in terms of data storage.

10. Real-time Payroll Service

Specialists lose time in the manual processing of special cases, creating customer documentation or dealing with technical issues. The Payroll Service from Ason massively relieves the daily business. Productivity increases by a factor of about 10.

Ason opens up new potential for existing providers and also for platform operators who have not yet dared to offer payroll.


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