Blog post by Christian Fässler
We communicate with our payroll software every day. We enter data and remarks in the fields and features provided for. As a result, we need "concrete" evaluations such as the payslip or the accounting voucher.
So far, so good. The software provides the functions and we have become used to it.
But what if the mindset is not driven by the software - instead it is from the user's point of view? The "language" would certainly be different.
Background information is key
We humans do not think and act in terms of end results, facts and states. We want to know and understand the derivation behind the story. If we only hear the statement "trouble with the neighbour" from a friend, this does not sound obvious to us.
The derivation with background info about the loud music from the neighbour's garden, the smoke from the barbecue and the resulting police action makes the statement comprehensible to us. We need a sequence of events to understand the story.

It is similar in payroll accounting. Let us take as an example the changed pension fund deduction of CHF 350.00 from an employee. A single pure amount does not say much. We need to understand why this case has changed. Did the employee get a wage increase, did the company change the pension fund, did the employee move to a new age level, was the workload changed or...?
What happened?
As a user, we would like to see transparency with a derivation to the facts - "Why is the result like this? "What happened previously?".
With Ason's new approach, the user simply states what happened and all dependencies are automatically calculated and displayed. This information is collected as a "use case".

Now we can read the origin of the pension fund deductions like a story. The derivation becomes comprehensible on the basis of the use cases. (The pension fund deduction was CHF 215.00 from the time of entry, then temporarily suspended due to the unpaid leave and since the promotion with a salary increase to CHF 350.00).
Due to the fact that Ason works with time values throughout, it is now possible to determine at any point in time what is valid and why and when. (present, future and past)
Payroll providers have unlimited possibilities in the application. Ason speaks the transparent and clear language of payroll.
Do you?