Provided the company is properly set up, then payroll will be easy even for a global corporation thanks to Ason.
Everything that happens to the employee (pay increase, accident, hours to pay out, change of department, etc.) is a "case". Just send a JSON for each entry or change to Ason.

If something was wrong just post a new JSON, even if the data was years ago.
HR no longer needs a calculator
Pay runs can be made at any time and several times per period. Just send a JSON to Ason.

This is basically all Ason needs when the company's setup is complete.
Why does it need Ason?
Ason assumes that companies, for reasons of productivity and comfort, want ONE (and not for each type of HR service a separate one) "HR-APP" for the exchange between company and employees.
This could be an HR system, Workplace-App, Bot, Intranet or even WhatsApp.
In the background of the "HR-APP", specialized service providers (software automated or internal/external service providers) take over, which process the relevant inputs and deliver the corresponding outputs back to the "HR-APP".
The founders of Ason have dealt with what is probably the most complex part of HR, i.e. the question of what a generic and automated service for any payroll issues should look like.
Ason's vision is that all ambiguities are removed at the root and dependent effects are immediately displayed.
It's time to get to the root of the administrative insanity.
Get in touch with us if you want to know more!